Who the heck are you?
My name is Amichay Rab and i live in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Is it dangerous to live in Israel?
Actually I was traveling around Central and South America for almost a year but Israel is much safer than all of the countries I have been to.
Why taking off your clothes?
Some places were really hot and I had to do something about it...
And what about the cold places?
I guess It was easier to take the photos because there was less to hide.
What was the coldest place?
And have people ever seen you naked while you took the photos?
Let's say that i learned to be pretty sneaky and quiet...
Amir & Sigalle (Sep 2006)
What does it take to get you fully naked?
A nice girl or view and ...5 more seconds.
How did you come up with the idea?
My cousin Sigalle thought about it.
Can we get her phone number?
She is lovely but you missed your chance.... (look at the picture)
So now when you came back to Israel, do you have other goals?
...a lot of people told me that I need to work on my
white butt.
We love your butt! How can we show some support?
We really love your butt! Can we do more?
Of course you can! Just be creative...
What happened to your beautiful hair?
Its a sad story. The blond girl from the picture cut it.